An investigation of artistic abstractions in the digital age |
Ein Studienprojekt zur digitalen Abstraktion in der Gegenwartskunst |
o the project ||| das Projekt
o the exhibition Works of 18 contemporary artists - april/may 2016 at HeK (House of electronic Arts Basel). A documentation o online-collection A multimedia collection of abstract visual formats from the history of modern art and digital art with an emphasis on moving images. o der digitale Katalog (german) E-Book mit Essays, 3 Kunst-Inserts und Bericht zur Ausstellung. (Mac: Nach dem Download das File '...katalog.epub' in iBooks öffnen. info PC:: Epub3-Plugin 'Readium' für Browser Chrome, Samsung-Tablet: App 'Publiwide') Ankündigung im Blog des Institut Kunst HGK/FHNW o our blog (d/e) |
A coproduction of, the Art Institute of the Academy of Art and Design in Basel FHNW and HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel) |
web design: rest animated gif by Kim Asendorf Design e-book and blog: Esther Hunziker |