Hans Richter - Rhythmus 21 - 1921
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Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack (Bauhaus), Reflektorische Lichtspiele 1923, 07m (mit Original-Apparatur nach Original-Partitur gespielt) |
Len Ley: Tuslava, 1929
This animation film was first screened by the London Film Society in 1929. Jack Ellitt’s original piano music
for Tusalava has unfortunately been lost. The film imagines the beginnings of life on earth. Single-cell creatures
evolve into more complex forms of life. Evolution leads to conflict, and two species fight for supremacy.
The title is a Samoan word which suggests that things go full circle. In this film Lye based his style of animation
partly on the ancient Aboriginal art of Australia. Tusalava is unique as a film example of what art critics describe
as “modernist primitivism”. In contrast to the Cubist painters (who were influenced by African art), Lye drew upon
traditions of indigenous art from his own region of the world (New Zealand, Australia and Samoa).
Mobilcolor-Technik (Charles R. Dockum, um 1935) 1.45 min
Raymond Hains & Jacques Villeglé, Pénélope, 1950-1954, 13'05''
Cinematographic silent movie, original 16 mm, black/white and color. (Tinguely Museum Basel 2014/15)
Dans le film Pénélope les planches sont composées de rectangles de couleurs vives entrecoupés de noir tantôt
directement peints, tantôt découpés puis collés sur de grandes feuilles de papier rectangulaires, qui sont passées
à travers le prisme des verres cannelés et mises en mouvement dans un film. Les verres déforment les rectangles
pour créer une série de losanges et de triangles. Raymond Hains affirme qu'ils reprennent motifs et couleurs des
manches de La blouse roumaine de Matisse : points et grilles, utilisation du rouge, du bleu, du noir et du jaune.
James Whitney, Yantra, 1957
Peter Kubelka - Schwechater 1958
Norman Mclaren, Mosaic, 1965
Aldo Tambellini, BLACKOUT (1965)
Aldo Tambellini is a pioneer experimental film and video artist. This film, like an action painting
by Franz Kline, is a rising crescendo of abstract images. Rapid cuts of white forms on a black
background supplemented by an equally abstract soundtrack give the impression of a
in celestial space or on a battlefield where cannons fire on an unseen enemy in the night.
Gruppo MID, Film Sperimentali, 1965. Il gruppo MID - Movimento Imagine Dimensione - è nato a Milano nel 1964 riunendo Antonio Barrese, Alfonso Grassi, Gianfranco Laminarca, Alberto Marangoni iniziando la attività con le ricerche sulla psicologia sperimentale e sulla comunicazione visiva nel campo dell'arte, della pellicola e del design utilizzando effetti ottici miranti al coinvolgimento dello spettatore nell'opera artistica. |
Nam June Paik / Jud Yalkut, Beatles Electroniques, 1966-69
Nam June Paik, magnetische Deformationen, 1965
Dominik Stauch, <!--van doesburg, al held and rené daniëls learn to fly-->, 2001
Interaktive Bildmontage.
Esther Hunziker, Frequency,
Web-Movie, Loop, 3 min, 2008.
Rafael Rozendaal (newrafael.com)
hybridmoment ---
sadforjapan ---
electricboogiewoogie ---
Florian und Michael Quistrebert, Stripes II, 2013. Ausstellungsansicht 'Nouvelle Vague', Palais de Tokyo, Paris 2013